We are proud to introduce you Valletti Vintage. With more than 45 years of experience in the second hand garment field and vintage, we are one of the best consolidated as far as the Italian and International scene are concerning. Each individually item is chosen by experienced staff; our selection, constantly updated, is the result of continuous research of the latest trends in the fashion world. We specialize in sorting and wholesale of men’s vintage clothing and women’s choice of clothing and accessories from the 50s up to the recent 90s; our mission is to provide our customers the best selection and the best quality, garments in excellent condition that simply report those traits of a leader enduring and family vintage. Durable relationships with customers, quality selection, experience and professionalism are the main values that for years characterize us. Directly working the so-called “original” garment, we have the opportunity to specifically create for our customers targeted selections, if we are required.

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